Your gear has a new home with the HeroClip. This super-sized multi-tool in large is the ideal size for handling large and awkward items, like suitcases, ice chests, toolboxes, floodlights, outdoor gear, and more of your bigger needs. This sturdy gear clip supports and secures up to 100 lbs, with a fully rotating hook that keeps gear accessible.
I have purchased many Hero clips in the past from Hero Clips and third party stores, REI. I have used them for many reasons, hanging and attaching camping equipment while hiking. At base camp, on field trips for the day or weekend. I always have a small clip with me on my EDC bag, because you never know. Best clip for the money and the clip had never failed me. I have taken them to Seattle Washing and all the way down South to San Diego California. I would highly recommend the hero clip to any serious outdoors person.
Everyday Carry for life's journey
Ⓒ Gallantry 2025
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